Since childhood, people are accustomed to smelling fir branches at Christmas and New Year. Mixed with the smell of tangerines, this fragrant coniferous aroma was a harbinger of a miracle, gifts, new experiences, and the New Year. For many centuries, Spruce personified the symbol of a new cycle. In ancient times, remaining evergreen, Spruce was an allegory of eternal youth and immortality, longevity, and fidelity.
For the same reasons, the spruce “spruce” has been and remains in many villages as a sign of an old life. During the funeral procession, a “lapnik” made of spruce branches is thrown at the feet, saying goodbye to the departed. Moreover, their age has ended but passed into eternity.
Resinous firewood gave the fire a unique strength.
The word “Spruce” comes from the old Slavic word “jedlъ”, which means “prickly”.
The first mention of this tree in Russian scriptures appeared in the 11th century.
The Latin name for Spruce is Picea, which means resinous.
These are dense, dense thickets with a small amount of undergrowth.
Even though Spruce develops best in an open area, its shade-tolerant counterparts are found.
The most common type of tree is the Common Spruce.
Even in North America and China, individual species of this prickly fragrant tree grow.
EL is a tall, stately tree with a strong straight trunk and a dense crown. The bark of it is dense and covered with scales.
Moreover the height of it can reach 30 meters, while the volume of the trunk of many species exceeds 1.5 meters.
The average life expectancy of a tree is 250 – 300 years. There are centenarians of 600 years of age.
After 10 – 15 years, the tree changes its root system, removing the main root. That is why you can meet these wind-blown giants with uprooted roots in the forest.
Female flowers form small cones, which, after pollination, turn into those same spruce decorations.
Male flowers form elongated catkins that scatter pollen in May.
In October, seeds ripen in cones and become the prey of forest rodents. Fluffy squirrels seek to prepare seeds for the winter.
For medicinal purposes, its cones, needles and resin are used.
The needles contain bactericidal substances, amino acids, chlorophyll, vitamins and phytoncides. Its needles are rich in vitamin C, the concentration of which increases towards winter; therefore, since ancient times, coniferous “tea” has been an excellent remedy for scurvy and, along the way, strengthened the entire body.
Daily use of 3-4 its needles for a month can restore immunity and increase resistance to several viral diseases.
A few its branches placed in a vase in a room can kill harmful bacteria in the room, leaving a pleasant aroma in the air.
Fir cones are rich in tannins and essential oils. They also contain copper, manganese, aluminum, and iron.
Essential oils are used in the fight against acute respiratory infections and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
A decoction of needles is used for inhalation to treat tonsillitis and sinusitis.
Its wood is the most common material for construction and fuel.
This wood is very soft and straight-grained. Despite its widespread use in construction, untreated wood is short-lived and rots quickly. That is why this wood is treated with antiseptics and mordants.
At the same time, its wood is part of many modern materials, such as fiberboard, chipboard, glued laminated timber and others.
The musical properties of this wood have been noticed for a long time. Therefore soundboards, bodies and other parts of musical instruments are made from this fragrant tree.
Despite the huge number of useful properties, spruce preparations have contraindications.
In the presence of individual intolerance to the substances contained in its cones and needles, it is necessary to be careful when using Spruce for medicinal purposes.
Too frequent decoctions and drinks from its can be dangerous for the kidneys.
In Scandinavia, spruce branches cover the paths followed by the corteges of rulers.
Blue Spruce has gained its distribution in cities because of the beauty of the needles and resistance to polluted air.
Young shoots can grow from the dead spruce root, which later becomes real trees. Thus, the tree clones itself.
In Sweden, a similar tree grows, whose age is approaching 10 thousand years.
Spruce cones are often depicted on the flags of different countries. This fruit symbolizes a high goal and peak.