Website accessibility is getting a lot of attention in recent times. Governments have seen that there is a problem and have stepped in, with many countries around the world now having legislation in place to ensure that websites must be accessible to those living with a disability. Since the start of the pandemic, the world has moved online like never before. Countless new websites have been created. But all of this new internet material has caused problems for those requiring accessibility support. Yes, while the governments are working hard to make sure disabled people share equal rights, more and more websites mean it is an ongoing battle. Fortunately, there are companies that can help, like accessiBe. That being said, the number of lawsuits being brought forward regarding this issue has risen dramatically.
The fact that this is a legal issue, and there is a big likelihood of receiving fines and a damaged reputation by failing to obey these laws, means that for this reason alone, it would be foolish not to get your website accessible. But there are other reasons too. You could be doing your business a massive disservice by not making it accessible. There are estimated to be over one billion disabled people in the world. Imagine the extra potential your business has by opening it up to this many more visitors and customers.
But how can you go about it? As we’ve said there are over one billion people living with a disability. But those disabilities vary greatly. Each of those people is a separate individual and will have different needs and requirements. So, how can you possibly make your website accessible to all of them and their individual needs? I am sure you would agree it sounds like a very long and daunting task to accomplish. Fortunately, this is not the case. There is software available to you that can take care of this task for you. And surprisingly, it is very quick at what it does. It isn’t going to take months or long days with a team of people working on this problem. Once the software is installed on your website, it will get to work immediately, detecting any issues your website might have with accessibility and it will then fix them straight away. Yes, by adding this software, your website could be accessible in a matter of days. This option is quick, it is cheap and it is very effective.